Sign away your soulHave I enticed you to sin with me? Fill out this form below to show your interest. Name * Used for screening, your details will be kept confidential. First Name Last Name Date of birth * MM DD YYYY Prounoun(s) Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Preferred Name * Any preferred or chosen name/honorific you'd like used during our session. For example - Pet, sissy, slave13, Sir, etc. Who would you like to see? * Countess Kiki (Femdom) kitten Kiki (femsub) Both (Switch) Where will the session be held? * Room hire for dungeon spaces must be covered by you. My home (Peterborough) Secret Door Dungeon (London) Haus of Poison (Bournemouth) How long will our session be? * 1hr minimum including aftercare. What would you like to explore together? Tell me what you love, what makes you tick, maybe something new you'd like to try - the more you put here, the more tailored your session will be to you! Please avoid scripts, and be respectful. I do NOT offer sex. What are your limits? * Soft or hard, verbal or physical. Do you have any medical conditions, allergies or accessibility requirements? * Please include medication(s) too. I'm more than happy to accommodate so you can be safe and comfortable. Are you ready to deposit 50% of session cost upon request? * Yes No Are you happy for our session to be documented? * If yes, a consent waiver will need to be signed. No Yes, clips can be shared on socials if I'm kept anonymous Yes, I'm happy for the clips to be sold online too Any last words? Anything else you'd like to add that hasn't been covered. Thank you for taking the time to fill out my booking form! You can now hope to hear from me very soon…